Monday, November 24, 2014


Rashidah (nee Patricia Faison)

My dear sister Rashidah, I want to take this time to send to you and yours a heartfelt greeting of peace: as-salamu alaikum.

I think of you and my other sisters-in-law often. And, of course, happy memories of our beloved Patrick keep me company each day! 

I'm always happy to see your FBk page icon, showing that beautiful smile of yours. Also, I try to keep up with and follow postings of Patrick's many East Coast nieces and nephews -- I last counted 27, I think!
Patrick with some of his nieces at a family picnic in Brooklyn NY
(l to r: Venice, Patrick, Daniella, Paulette, Paula-- in background on the right: Cherry Li & Jean Lee)

Two years ago, I moved from Austin Texas to rural Oregon where I am surrounded and inspired by the natural beauty of mountains, rivers, and forests. I am thankful for each day. 

I stay busy with volunteer work on issues involving access to affordable health care, disability rights, and ending homelessness. I love to knit, do genealogy research, and I swim regularly to improve my health. Recently, with encouragement from my daughters, Molly and Sarah, I have begun writing again.

Patrick & one of his beloved sisters, Jean Lee

I very much miss having children in my daily life and am sad I have no grandchildren nearby.

Recently, I came across a photo taken of Patrick sitting on the floor playing with my granddaughter, Anna, during her visit with us in June of 2009, in Texas

Anna is now 7-years old and I am reminded that time waits for no one.

Patrick, Martha, & Anna (April 2010)
After Patrick died 4-years ago I received calls and emails for weeks from many people, some of whom had not been in contact with him for decades, wanting to say that knowing Patrick had made their lives better. 

This inspired me to want to write a book about his life.

I set up this blog 2-years ago, and sent out the message for folks to send me their stories about Patrick, to be published on this memorial website for everyone to read.

I also offered to edit or to write up the stories for those who didn't want to write, and, that offer still stands. 

Anyone can contact me to share their stories:

marthab1955@me .com 

-- and also email me to request my phone number, should they wish to call.

Patrick & his mom, Cherry Li

To date no one has chosen to participate in this legacy project, and now I'm hoping you and your sisters will help get this project going, by sharing some of the many stories YOU have about our beloved Patrick's Life.

I do, however, understand just how painful it might be to write/share those stories, because of how much he is missed. Still, I think it important his story be written. He touched the lives of so many, and the world is a better place

Perhaps I should just start writing the stories he told me about his younger days, and post them here on this legacy blog

in hopes that his family after reading some of them, will be inspired to tell me their OWN stories about him, so that a book about his life can be compiled.  

It would be absolutely impossible for me to write about his life, without major input from his family, so I hope this project, with your help, will one day come to fruition.

Please share a link to this website with your children and other family, and encourage everyone to share their stories about Patrick. And, let folks know they can contact me any time, for any help they might need.

Me & Patrick (April 2010)

Wishing you and yours love and happiness,

In sisterhood -- Martha

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Please write in the box below any COMMENTS you have about this story. (Instructions on how to leave COMMENTS is at a link near the top of this blogsite.) Also, if you have written any stories about Patrick you want posted, please send them via email to
and I will post them on this site. It would be great if you would tell others about this site so that we might collect a lot of stories to memorialize the Life of our beloved Patrick Leo Jones, a giant of a man.